I subscribe to around 150 blogs and am therefore inundated with a metric crap-ton of content. They are mostly graphic design and art based with a sprinkling of fashion. I don’t actually visit the blogs individually, I use feedly.com which keeps all of the RSS feeds in one place. (I used to use Google Reader which was unfortunately murdered.) Therefore, it does not really matter to me what the blog looks like, other than how the individual posts are laid-out, because I’m looking at them all through feedly.

My home screen on feedly.com

My home screen on feedly.com

Anything I enjoy and/or want to refer back to later usually ends up on my Pinterest of which I am also quite addicted to. It’s a sick, never-ending cycle of feedly to Pinterest, feedly to Pinterest . . .  It is great as inspiration, but I sometimes find it’s best to put it all away and get inspired by something that has nothing to do with design.

I have noticed that I pin images from some blogs more than others. Some are more obvious, like the ones we went over in class — DesignspirationBrand New, etc.

Along the same vein, I am fond of Designtaxi.com. I especially enjoy photos of branding identities probably because I would love to end up designing them.


For instance, I am obsessed with this identity for “Osso,” a butcher shop. It is refreshing when companies take risks with their designs. Plus, this design is simple but bold.

plus they have a fun gif...weeeeeee

plus they have a fun gif…weeeeeee

We also mentioned ffffound.com in class which is great because it is just one image per post, without any explanation or text. Sometimes the images are random and fun, other times, they are just great examples of design.


Other times they are funny gifs. And once in a while there are just random tits. I have to admit tits are great and all, but now whenever I see tits on ffffound, I’m like ohh . . . big tits . . . again. But it’s designer-y because it is in black and white. Maybe it’s just my closet feminist ideals, but it frustrates me because I am reminded the blog is so obviously from a male’s point of view. It frustrates me that in general, many of the “rockstar” graphic designers are male even though in graphic design programs, it is disproportionately female.


gratuitous tits for who?

Sorry about that, sometimes that inner feminist breaks through.

Another blog I like is FPO: For Print Only. In a design world where print is becoming more and more obsolete it may seem silly to focus on print. But what is very cool about it is the details of the printing job.

CANTRELL_Id_LOMM_01This gorgeous, almost over-the-top stationary design is broken down by cost, time it took to make, and process.

Screen Shot 2014-02-07 at 2.54.00 PMIt is a rare look into the production side of something and grounds you about how realistic a design is to produce.

So those are few of the many blogs I find interesting.