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Month: April 2014

Swiss Layout Poster

murphy_cutsofapig_pgs_Page_14This is my International or Swiss Style inspired poster. This style has always been challenging for me. It is easy to appreciate its beauty when done correctly but so difficult to do well. I am happy with the final result and learned a lot about the grid structure but know that I have much to improve on.



Cookbook Cover

cookbook1Last week, we designed an organic cookbook cover. I used some of the photographer’s work since they already had beautiful existing food photography.


Spring Quarter Starts

For the first week back for spring quarter, we did a photoshop exercise. Using our own faces as inspiration, we put images as replacement squares on our portrait.

murphy_portraitIt was a fun exercise that taught us a bit about photoshop. I also used photos that I took while on vacation so it was fun to sort through them and see what fit.

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