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UX Redesign

I watch Netflix often and absolutely hate the browsing “feature” on the homepage. It seems they are trying to recreate the video store atmosphere, and while I miss the video store for its browsing specifically, the Netflix experience is slow, clunky, and honestly hurts my eyes.


When you hover over the left or right arrows the images slowly scroll which is laborious. There seems to be no way to make them scroll quickly. Also, the choices they have will sometimes seem random. Many times, they will have the same movies in different categories which is not helpful.

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This option should be available for all the genres

If you click “My List,” which is the first section on the Netflix homepage, it takes you to a list of everything on your Instant Queue. This is much faster to navigate; you can scroll up and down and see your complete list instead of slowly scrolling right or left. It would be very helpful if they had this available for all of the genres.

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Also, I tend to use a 3rd party website, which has all of the Netflix content listed and is specifically for browsing Netflix titles. There was a need for this website because the Netflix browsing experience is so bad.

Netflix doesn’t even have to design a new experience because someone else has already done it for them. Granted, they could polish the instantwatcher design, but having this list view as an option would be extremely helpful. Also, instantwatcher’s “New & Noteworthy” section is especially helpful. It is much better than Netflix’s “New Arrivals” because I have actually heard of the titles and they may be something I would like to watch. All of their genres are at the top, which are easy to find and clear to read. Netflix has so much content that it can be daunting. A better browsing experience would really help users take advantage of all of the amazing content they have.

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